Go on with Fearless,
Risk-Free & Verified Onboarding
India's leading Background Screening and
Investigation Company
Fox I Vision is the leader, a veteran, who is digitally efficient to do KYCs of candidates in a wink, who is quick in turnaround time for background & employee verification or, fraud detection, who excels in solving on-risk & underwriting identified cases by all means.
Video Verification- We follow a safe & secure video scrutiny process for the on risk/underwriting identified cases wherein there is no scope for in-person authentication. It sets a way through a volley of questions, which are modeled on the authenticity-check via an advanced app. This is how we tap genuine candidates with a capacity to convert for our clients, mitigating the risk of on-boarding a distrustful one.
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We navigate you to the best background verification solutions, allowing only authentic portfolios to get on-board. While sparing no scope for discrepancies and distrustfulness in the verified background records, we guarantee outnumbering conversions, gains and no pain at all.
To spot an ideal candidate, we conduct physical and digital verifications to avoid the risk of hiring a prospective threat to company’s reputation.
This screening mitigates all possibilities to have a fraud insured one who make false claims, as it is carried out by veteran on-ground and video verification experts.
We conduct a rigorous KYC procedure to seize a suspicious spot that amplifies loudly about the discrepancies in the identity, health and other proofs.
This authentication is good to go with when physical examination is not possible and you need to figure out more about the physical health and its genuinety.
Experience 16+ Years
Happy Clients
Conferred Awards 25+
Verified Records 10+ Million
Your goodwill, your reputation and a lot of opportunities get straight away affected if you on-board a dubious customer. We incorporated as the Fox I Vision to take up screening challenges with a fast TAT so that you can find an unrivalled partner who you would love to come over and over.
“We are grateful to have FOX I Vision as our screening partner. You have been getting us connected to the authentic portfolios that maximize opportunity to deal with & multiply our business profit.”
“We have never seen such a deep& accurate examination of background, as Fox I Vision provides. It leaves not just a single loop to doubt about. We’re impressed and looking for long time collaboration.”